Nová kniha Petera J. Carolla: The Apophenion: A Chaos Magick Paradigm

Napsal: Pavel Cody Ungr | Kategorie: Chaos magie, Informace, Magie
8. března 2009 000 10:41


Před časem vyšla v angličtině dlouho očekáváná kniha Petera J. Carolla. Dovoluji si citovat některé čtenáře:

The latest and greatest from Carroll and his crowd; just get it and understanding will be made.

The Apophenion refreshes us, the team within known as Lee Webb. Having savored Carroll’s writings for years and benefited from them thoroughly we now delight in his latest release.

Thank You Mr. Carroll,
"Why would one choose a prosaic inner life, when they could live one of poetry instead?"
Another gem of wisdom from Pope Pete.
Drink deep and shift away from whatever deranged sense of comfort you have, rest assured Mr. Carroll will rock your world and make you question everything.
somethings are true, somethings are permitted ? ?

I was really intrigued when Carroll released a new book on chaos magic. The Apophenion is the introduction to a goddess, more space/time specualtation, theory, and practice from Carroll, an exploration of the multi-mind and much more. It is a book worth picking up if you’re into chaos magic or experimental magic, or if you’re curious as to how someone who has training in math and science is applying that training to magic.

Každopádně to vypadá, že toto bude zajímavá kniha a jen najít někoho, kdo by to byl ochoten vydat v češtině:-)

1 komentář

Bře 16, 2009 at 05:12

pomaly tu knizku docitavam, dozvedel som sa z nej o pomerne pozitivnom panpsychickom pohlade na univerzum – ktore je mimochodom 6 dimenzionalnou hypersferou (3 rozmerny priestor a trojrozmerny cas).


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